Viswanath Ravikumar

3D Magic

Viswanath Ravikumar

3D Magic

I have done aeronautical engineering. It's been 2 years since then, so then I tried designing. Actually, it was difficult for me at the beginning, so there were a lot of constraints and other stuff dragging on. But then I realized that I needed the patience to get through the training. So my journey was filled with ups and downs. In the beginning, I didn't get anything. Everything I did ended up wrong.

I had no experience with the software. I was hardcore into the mechanical and engineering side, so I just wanted to switch from that. In the beginning, I had a hard time making that switch and understanding the design sense.

At Mantra, you can collaborate with all the faculty members. It will be a learning experience for everyone with the exposure you receive here. For me it was a life-changing experience. It gave me a whole new perspective on life.

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